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Last Updated on 17/01/2022

Significant improvements in the healthcare system in Turkey have been remarkably noticed in the last 30 years. These accomplishments came after the establishment of the health transformation program. Thanks to this program, Turkey increased the life expectancy to 71.8 for men and 76.8 for women in 2010. Besides, the infant mortality rate decreased to 10.1 per 1000 in 2010 after 117.8 in 1980.

Moreover, these facts made Turkey one of the preferred healthcare destinations globally. Every year, it attracts many foreign patients, especially for dentistry, cosmetic surgery, and fertility treatment.
So let’s take a look at the features of the healthcare system in Turkey

healthcare system

Public healthcare system in Turkey 

Healthcare services in Turkey are directed by the health ministry, which provides primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare in its different institutions crosswise the country. State hospitals are well equipped; they provide different health services, including prescriptions, hospitalization, rehabilitation, pregnancy, and other treatments. 

State hospitals are mainly funded by government allocations which constitute 83%. Besides, fees paid by individuals through insurance represent 12% of the funds. Some taxes on cigarettes and fuel are added to State hospitals funds with 5%. However, university hospitals have stronger funds; in addition to government allocation from the Higher education budget, they also have self-funds.

State hospital payments are either directly handed or made through mandatory affiliation to the Social Insurance Organization for Health. 

Private healthcare system in Turkey 

Many people prefer attending private hospitals due to the overcapacity in state hospitals. Besides, foreigners tend to get treatment in private hospitals where they can find English-speaking staff. Although private hospitals’ fees are more expensive than State hospitals, they are considered affordable considering the high-quality services.
Besides, Turkey has many international hospitals based mainly in the big metropolitan cities like Istanbul and Ankara. 

Health program in Turkey and its transformation.

The Healthcare system in Turkey has been subject to major reforms since 2003. Important changes happened in both supplies and expenditure of health services. The government has set a social security strategy aiming to cover the healthcare services of the population majority. The main aim of these reforms was to give all Turkish citizens access to quality healthcare services equitably. The Public-Private-Partnership program (PPP) was a clever method to achieve the set goals. The government allied with the private sector to enhance the country’s healthcare infrastructure.
Moreover, the World Bank Group provides support in this frame at different levels. This support includes regulation and reform advising. It also incluıdes the private investment stimulation in health sectors. 

Implementing the family practitioner system was one of the most important reforms in Turkey’s healthcare system. 

Healthcare insurance system in Turkey 

The establishment of a social security scheme was one of the significant reforms brought by the health transformation program. The Social security system in Turkey consists of three main institutions that the government is trying to group under the same organization. 

  • Social Insurance Institution (SGK)
    It is a social security institution for the private sector and blue-collar public sectors employees. The government allows all persons working through a service contract to benefit from social insurance. The health ministry can make agreements with private and University hospitals to use these hospitals apart from the SGK ones.
    The SGK refunds also include co-payment on medicines, % for retired patients, and 20% for employed ones. 
  • Social Security Institution for the Self-employed (Bağ-kur)
    This institution interests self-employed persons not involved in the SGK insurance coverage. Contribution to this organization is organized on a service scale between 1 and 24. Members can thus decide the level of service they will pay for. Some of these levels have some limits. While SGK operates with a co-payment system, Bağ-kur refunds the patients after they pay the medical expenses. 
  • Pension Fund for Civil Servants ( Emekli Sandığı)
    It is a Government Employees Retirement Fund and health insurance institution for retired civil workers. Retired Government workers must pay 10% while getting their medicines. However, all the other medical services are paid by this organization. Besides healthcare services, this institution offers retirement benefits after a specific service period, such as retirement premium and other advantages. This institution is exclusively funded by government allocations with important expenditures.
healthcare system

Green Card System

This system is dedicated to those whose income is under the official minimum wage. It was founded in 1992 under the whole direction of the government. Relevant persons get a card that provides free access to all medical services in public hospitals and certain university hospitals. This card excludes outpatient medicines. This card is exclusively issued with the decision of the health ministry. 

Private Health Services

Turkey has a developed Private health insurance system. Several people, including foreigners, prefer to affiliate with private insurance companies to benefit from high-quality healthcare services. These private contributions are generally paid to major insurance companies and private banks. The members can choose the pension plan that matches their needs. According to this plan, they can get an accumulated premium after a certain number of years. 

If you would like to know further details about the healthcare system in Turkey, MEO Consultants offer complete assistance. 

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